About me

I am Farbod

I am a Theoretical Physicist where my interest are in building new models beyond the Standard Model, understanding the underline basement of what this universe is made of. I completed my master in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces (QFFF) at Imperial College University and I have done my undergrad at Royal Holloway University of London taking modules between Kings college and Queen Mary.

Statement, Why Physics?

In this universe where we find our society, where the duty and necessity of each human is to survive and procreate, and in doing this, ensuring the survival and the future of humanity itself, we need to understand and further discover our world. What it is we have done, and what we will do. However, now thanks to what we have done so far, we have achieved a high standard of living, so much so we don't need to survive, which we see by the ever growing population. Therefore I can devote myself to the comprehension of everything, of the universe and so of us. To understand everything around me I need physics.

Physics is the indispensable machine needed for work, but creativity is the control of this machine. A physicist without creativity is a blind physicist. I have trained myself in various ways to become as creative as possible. I have also studied concepts like infinity, nothingness, dimensions and more, always trying to visualise it in my thinking and creativity and imagination so as to discover new theories where books haven't satisfied me.

About this Site

This site is still in phase of construction, but should be useful for finding and downloading some of my researches and CV with some information of my hobbies as well.