
In this page you should find some of my works done in my academic studies, they can be about Philosophy to Theoretical Physics and the beauty of maths. Be careful some of them are very old and Naive.



Vortices, topology and time: arXiv:2311.11160

The topological evolution of B field

This project was undertaken in my master here the abstract:

We relate physical time with the topology of magnetic field vortices. We base ourselves on a formulation of unimodular gravity where the cosmological constant Λ appears as the canonical dual to a variable which on-shell becomes four-volume time. If the theory is restricted to a topological axionic form (viz. a parity-odd product of an electric and a magnetic field), such a time variable becomes the spatial integral of the Chern-Simons density. The latter equates to helicity, so that unimodular time is transmuted into the linking number of the vortices of the topological magnetic field. The flow of time can thus be interpreted as the progressive weaving of further links between magnetic field vortices, each link providing a quantum of time. Non-abelian extensions, and targetting parameters other than Λ are briefly examined, exposing different types of vortices and a possible role for inter-linking leading to new phenomenology.

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Extra dimensions: A unified picture for Physics beyond the Standard Model

The Randall-Sundrum scenario

This project was undertaken on year 4 of my undergraduate here the abstract:

When it was discovered that a finite extra dimension to the spacetime could unify the forces of General Relativity and Electromagnetism, a new era rose for model building beyond the Standard Model. This review shows an important theoretical approach in the research literature to redefine the unified picture of physics beyond the Standard Model, and therefore a possible solution to the huge hierarchy problem among fundamental energy scales. This is done by using different shared tools between String Theory and Supersymmetry, which are applied in the context of flat extra dimension. It has been shown, by using Large extra dimensions, that the fundamental scales of physics are not fixed anymore, and can be lowered at TeV range, leading to an unified picture, where the hierarchy problem is solved. However, important solutions are found thanks to Warped extra dimensions in Anti deSitter space, leading to a different solution to the hierarchy problem.

You can download the PDF from Here

Phenomenological and Theoretical structure of Higgs boson decays

Abelian Higgs Potential

This project was undertaken on year 3 of my undergraduate here the abstract:

For centuries one question was always crucial for the human being: what we are we made of? From ancient Greeks to recent Era we have achieved a great understanding of this Universe, our achievement in understanding what we are made of lies in Physics, particularly in the Standard Model. The Higgs mechanism and its boson are crucial for the standard model. In this report lies the basic fundamental understanding of this phenomenon. By building and describing the theoretical decay channels of the Higgs boson it is possible to plot the branching ratio. Having an overlook of how it behaves concluding with a theoretical derivation of the bosonic decay

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Deterministic Chaos - Strange Attractors

This was a First year project, very fun about chaos theory with fantastic plottings and how attractors behave

In this project has been used a wide variety of programs and programming languages such as Python.

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Exordium de Humanae Virtute

This essay was written in year 2 of my undergraduate here the abstract:

Humana Virtus is a sector often took as obvious, but many times all that seems obvious is misunderstood or forgotten. With Humana virtus I mean everything that has to do with our self, humanity and our society. Implying therefore our universe of emotion and sensation. I will treat it as a sector where is innate in ourself and I will give a sense of why we can not prescind from it. Discovering why I can dedicate myself to the comprehension of everything.

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This essay was written in year 1 of my undergraduate here the abstract:

Physics has been explained that is not describing the real word that we are supposed to see, and in many ways is trying more to guessing than comprehending from the basements of this universe. Every thing that is surrounding our self, is the universe of the nature wich we can perceive, that is determined by our sense and comprehension of these. Physics, philosophiae naturalis, want describing the behaviour of the nature and understanding how it works. However we are really far to understanding the behaviour of our universe still in now days. And we need to do more, such a new logic or kill this logical cage.

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